Posts written by Joglo IT Center

This author has written 142 articles

Loading WordPress Lambat ?

May 27, 2011

Knowledge Blog
Problem Solving

Recovering WordPress Joomla Password

Apabila anda mendapatkan masalah pada website, misalnya website anda ter hack dan tidak dapat melakukan login admin lewat link admin page. Berikut ini cara yang dapat dilakukan dengan mengubah password yang telah berubah itu menjadi normal. (more…)

Problem Solving

How to Add IP Addresses to Server with cPanel WebHost Manager (WHM)

cPanel WebHost Manager (WHM) allows system administrators or webmasters to easily add additional new IP address to the server or web host. If your dedicated server or VPS (Virtual Private Server) comes with extra IP addresses, and your web hosting provider does not assign and configure the IP addresses automatically onto the server, the following guide describes procedures and steps to add more IP addresses to the server. (more…)