WHM dan cPanel™

November 9, 2011

Knowledge Blog

How to Checking Rootkits with RKHunter

A rootkit is software that is installed on your server with the purpose of hiding the fact that your server has been compromised and providing access to your server so that the intruder can easily return. It is important to understand that in order for an intruder to install a rootkit they will have to have gained the rights to do so on your server. This means that the first line of defense is good security that prevents the installation of a rootkit. (more…)

Problem Solving

How to disable Cron Job of User Cpanel

Cron is a unix, solaris utility that allows tasks to be automatically run in the background at regular intervals by the cron daemon. These tasks are often termed as cron jobs in unix , solaris.  Crontab (CRON TABle) is a file which contains the schedule of cron entries to be run and at specified times. (more…)

Problem Solving

How to Uninstalling Kloxo

Many kloxo users who do not know how to uninstall kloxo, sometimes problems during installation or other problems. It’s easy to reinstalling without recreate new vps container again, please follow these guidelines: (more…)

Problem Solving

How to Enable passive mode in FTP server with CSF firewall

If you running a FTP server (Pureftp/Proftp) with a CSF firewall (very importantly in VPS or virtuozzo etc), it is very important to to enable passive mode,  because this mode, works best for ftp clients protected by firewall since the client initiates the connection. If you dont enable this mode in VPS you might encounter problems like ftp server will be unresponsive or hang. (more…)


Reseller Domain Murah! Tersedia bermacam Registrar

Kebutuhan Domain untuk Hosting sangatlah penting, tidak menutup kemungkinan sekarang banyak sekali usaha penjualan hosting sekaligus domain sebagai pelengkapnya. Bagi Anda yang ingin memperoleh informasi harga reseller domain murah, sangat tepat sekali sudah mengunjungi blog ini. (more…)