
There are 3 articles under this tag

RKHunter Tools Scan for Rootkits, Backdoors, and Exploits

October 16, 2011


How to Checking Rootkits with RKHunter

A rootkit is software that is installed on your server with the purpose of hiding the fact that your server has been compromised and providing access to your server so that the intruder can easily return. It is important to understand that in order for an intruder to install a rootkit they will have to have gained the rights to do so on your server. This means that the first line of defense is good security that prevents the installation of a rootkit. (more…)


Cara Install RKHunter di Server

RKHunter also known as RootKit Hunter is a scanning tool to ensure you for about 99.9% that you don’t have any rootkits, backdoors, and local exploits but running tests and e-mailing you results. (more…)